2012 Popcorn Sales
Troop 617 Families:
I wanted to provide you with more information about our Troop’s fall fundraiser for
2012-2013: the Popcorn Sale, so you understand how important it is to our Troop and
our Scouting program. None of us likes to do fundraisers, and that’s why we are going
to focus all of our efforts for two weeks (or less), to help make the money we need for
our great Scouting Program!
Incentives have been increased this year, so we get more money than ever for
commission. The base commission is 25%, and we have bumped that up to 32%
already through our commitment to sell and for attendance at the sales seminar.
Increases in sales can bring in up to 6% more, and if everyone gets their money in on
time we can earn another 5% -- for as much as 43% of our total sales.
The “pot” has also been sweetened for the individual sales incentives. The amount of
sales for a scout to qualify for the a camp experience at Broad Creek through the
“Special Earn my Own Way Club” is $2,000. There are programs for the top individual
and unit sellers for Military Sales. And there are many individual prizes the scouts can
earn with sales starting at $125 and up...
Parents, we realize that everyone’s schedule is busy, but the Popcorn Sale is one way
to help our Scouting Program be affordable for everyone. Profits from the sale directly
impact the amount of money that scout families pay for the variety of activities and
events our scouts enjoy. We really need your help to be successful. If you have any
questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Deadlines for this year’s sale:
Take order forms due to me:* ! ! ! 10/24/12
Deadline for Kernel’s Challenge:! ! ! 11/01/12
Final Product Pick-up and money due:! ! 11/14/12
* Please scan and email me order forms as they are filled even if it is before the
deadline. Filled forms are sent to the Council weekly for entry into weekly prize
I suggest that you collect payment up front this year so it is easier to collect and it
reduces the chance of cancelled orders. We can hold the checks until the popcorn is
Thanks for your help in making this a success!
Lisa Pellegrino