Eagle Guides

We try to keep the forms that are on this page up to date.

Unfortunately, we are not always informed of changes in a timely manner.

An Eagle Scout candidate would be wise to check the Baltimore Area Council Eagle forms on this page .

Lowe's Trail to Eagle Support - Home improvement retailer Lowe's has teamed with the Boy Scouts of America to provide the Lowe's National Eagle Scout Project Impact grant for candidates working on their Eagle Scout project.

Eagle Scout Rank Application, No. 512-728 - The current version of the Eagle Scout Rank Application can be found on the page under "Rank Advancement"

Eagle Palm Application, No. 58-709 - Get the Latest Eagle Scout Palm Application on the BSA web page.

BSA Eagle Project Workbook - The current Eagle Scout Project workbook is found on this page under "Rank Advancement:

Advancement Resources - All of the current BSA advancement policy, guide lines, forms and training materials.